I am wishing more and more for a somewhat more sophisticated blogging platform than my (long-standing, scattered, and poorly maintained general blog on LiveJournal, so I have decided to attempt a somewhat more directed blog, here.
I intend to focus on interesting aspects of technology that I discover and to document my progress through things I am learning, programs/applets/tricks I develop, and where I want to focus myself.
I work at a small technology company in Kanata, ON, where I am given a great deal of freedom (at my last performance evaluation, a fellow laughingly called it "more and more rope to hang yourself with") to explore technologies and concepts that may be applicable to our product. As a result, over the last six months, I've learned a tonne about TCP/IP, practicalities of Linux kernel modules, web testing automation (specifically with Selenium), shell and interface scripting (Bash, TCL/Expect), and most recently, Android development.
I would like to get further into Android developement so that I can properly create an app of my own (I don't know what I'd do, yet). (Spitballing: Programming job listings, to allow people to get (and maybe bid) on small programming projects, in the $10-$100 threshold. Birth control facilitation alarm which rings three weeks out of four.)
I want to learn about the benefits of, and caveats to custom kernel development (speed? versatility? vulnerability? stability?).
I have a cipher solver project that has been sitting on a shelf for ages.
I have been developing some desktop widgets for gDesklets. These are starting to reach a fairly polished level on the user front, but they rely heavily on the execCommand control rather than a better-designed control which might be able to access things more efficiently. Also, they need to be stylistically synchronized in the preferences interface.
I'm going to overhaul some of my Linux documentation on my existing blog so that it's up to date and better organized.
I'm sure these priorities will shift over the lifetime of this blog, however I hope it will be a lot of fun.